This website is designed to be used by teachers who would like to find out more about Sectariansim and how to address this issue in the classroom.

This website has been designed as part of a University project and is currently under construction.

What is Sectarianism?

Sectarianism is when people from a specific religion use their views as an excuse to taunt people from an opposing religion. This can be seen with Jews and Muslims and is rooted in biblical passages. However in Scotland the most common problem of sectarianism is between the Catholic and Protestant faiths. This often leads to bouts of violence which is sometimes fatal, such as the case of the 16 year old boy, Mark Scott, who was killed because he was wearing a celtic strip, so must be a catholic.

Sectarianism is bigotry,discrimination, prejudice or hatred caused by attaching importance to percieved differences between different groups of people. This can be seen in different denominations of a religion or in political movements.

Rather than being discriminatory toward an individual or a group of people who have a belief, we should learn and teach children about it and to respect others beliefs.


Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 
Section 74 focuses specifically on religious prejudice.

Scottish Government (2006) Building Friendships and Strengthening Communities: A Guide To Twinning between Denominational and Non-denominational Schools.
This article discusses how twinning denominational and non-denominational schools helps tackle
sectarianism, has tips on how to set it up, and examples of good practice.

See the article from the Guardian in the links page
Human Rights Act 1999
Article 9 & 14 discusses the rights and freedom that individuals possess.